Privacy Policy

  • Established February 1, 2011
  • Revised June 21, 2012
  • Revised April 1, 2017
  • Revised September 1, 2019
  • Revised February 10, 2021
  • KEI Advanced, Inc.
  • Toshio Yajima, President

KEI Advanced, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "we") conducts university entrance examinations and offers university related public relations solutions, as well as educational services related to graduate school admissions, university transfers, and job-hunting strategies for university students and adults.
Regarding the personal information of customers and employees handled in all of our businesses (hereinafter referred to as personal information), we have established a management system to protect personal information and to implement the following policies. Recognizing our social responsibility in handling personal information, we have established these guidelines as a company-wide code of conduct and declare that we will make every effort to ensure compliance with them.

  1. We will properly acquire, use and provide personal information only to the extent necessary for the performance of our business and for the employment and management of our personnel. We will take measures to prevent use beyond the range necessary for achieving the information’s purpose (uses other than for intended purposes).
  2. We will comply with laws and regulations, national policies, guidelines, and other standards regarding the protection of personal information.
  3. We will take appropriate safety measures in line with the circumstances of the business to prevent risks such as unauthorized access to personal information, leakage of personal information, loss, or damage. In the unlikely event of an incident, we will take immediate corrective action.
  4. We will respond without delay to any consultations and complaints from individuals regarding the protection of personal information, as well as requests for disclosure, correction, and deletion of personal information.
  5. We will review and make continuous improvements to our personal information protection management system in a timely and appropriate manner in light of any changes in the company’s environment.

We will take steps to ensure all employees understand this policy and will make it available to anyone at any time by posting it on our website.

End of text

About the Handling of Personal Information

  1. Name of business
    KEI Advanced, Inc.
  2. Adress of business
    Hulic Kojimachi Building, 6th floor
    3-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
  3. Representative of business
    Toshio Yajima, President
  4. Job title of administrator
    Personal Information Protection Manager: Information Security Manager
  5. Intended uses of personal information

    5.1 Common in the company

      Information Disclosed/Non-disclosed intended uses
      Name, person in charge, phone number, e-mail address of business partners Disclosed Business negotiations, various communications related to business and the provision of our services, improvement of our services, ordering and receiving orders, billing and payment operations, sending out information magazines, collecting questionnaires from seminars hosted by our company
      Name, address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, dependent information, medical examination results, pension number, employment insurance insured number, family information, salary information of employees Disclosed Personnel management, payroll management, welfare management, fire prevention management
      Name, address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, and e-mail address of job applicants Disclosed Recruitment selection, communication with applicants
      Name, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person inquiring about the corporate website Disclosed Management of inquiry content, reply to the person

    5.2 Provision of educational information, advertising and advertising agency business, product sales and sales agency business, marketing business

      Information Disclosed/Non-disclosed intended uses
      Name, address of students Non-disclosed/
      Partially disclosed
      Management of students, administration of courses, sending of course IDs and passwords, career guidance, distribution of e-mail magazines, sending of materials, teaching materials, answers, etc.
      Student grades Non-disclosed To carry out entrusted business
      Name, career of teachers Non-disclosed To carry out entrusted business
      Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, high school/school attended (or attended), grade, high school graduation year, gender, attributes, desired university, type of faculty desired, Kawaijuku affiliation information of Document requester Disclosed Delivering Document
      Name, affiliations, and high schools attended by students, alumni, and faculty members Disclosed Publication in information magazines, pamphlets, etc.
      Name, e-mail address of the person who inquired about the document request site Disclosed Inquiry correspondence
      Name, addresses, e-mail address, answer, questionnaire response details of participants in pre-enrollment education and placement tests Non-disclosed To carry out entrusted business
      Name, e-mail address, answer, questionnaire response details of participants in course Athlearn Non-disclosed To carry out entrusted business
      Name, address, answer, phone number of purchaser of course Athlearn test materials Disclosed Shipping materials such as teaching materials, tests, assignments, and answer sheets, notification of information regarding enrollment, inquiry correspondence
      Name, university, grade, e-mail address, student ID number, scoring results of PROG, questionnaire response details, learning record data of Athlearn first-year education program participants Disclosed Confirming and improving the effectiveness of teaching materials and programs, development of new teaching materials and programs, understanding the current status of students and formulating instructional policies and plans, past year analysis
      Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, high school/school attended (or attended), grade, high school graduation year, gender, attributes, desired university, type of faculty desired, Kawaijuku affiliation information of event participants Disclosed Contacting participants about events, grasping event participants, contacting participants with new information such as seminars and services, sending and notifying requested materials, making reservations for briefings, etc. or attending universities provision of personal information, communication regarding questions and requests, and identity verification when making inquiries
      Affiliated organization, department, post, name, e-mail address, and telephone number of the person who inquired to the service site of the sports club student support project Disclosed Management of inquiry content, reply to the person
      Name, address of university orientation support service participants Non-disclosed To carry out entrusted business
      Name, university, grade, address, student ID number, e-mail address of first-year education program participants Non-disclosed To carry out entrusted business
      Name, e-mail address, phone number, university or company name, department name of inquirers to the information dissemination site for higher education institutions Disclosed Management of inquiry content, reply to the person
      Name, e-mail address, gender, residence (prefectures), birthplace (prefectures), affiliated university, high school attended Disclosed Questionnaire about entering university
      Name, affiliations, post, phone number, e-mail address of university representative Non-disclosed To carry out entrusted business
      The following personal information provided when conducting the PROG test:
      Name, affiliations, Examinee's number, gender, response (including questionnaire), scoring results, e-mail address, personal information to achieve other purposes of use
      Disclosed Maintaining PROG quality, promotion of utilization, basic materials for product development, answer trend analysis, creation of various statistical materials and other basic research materials that contribute to evaluation and development
      High school, grade, class number, attendance number or other numbers that can be used to identify individuals, name, club affiliation, role in club activities of students taking club career education program Non-disclosed Management of club career education program, effect verification, past year analysis, improving the program
      Provision to universities and organizations participating in club career education program (to provide information to students)
      Examination result of manabimiraiPASS, entries in NOLTY schola phose, log information of SPLYZA TEAMS of students taking club career education program Non-disclosed
      Academic deliverables as a result of taking club career education program, process of creating deliverables, results of questionnaire, information of attendance, etc. Disclosed
      University name, faculty, student number or other numbers that can be used to identify individuals, name, club affiliation, role in club activities, e-mail address Non-disclosed Management of dual-career start course, effect verification, past year analysis, improving the program
      Examination result of the PROG test, entries in NOLTY schola phose Non-disclosed
      Academic deliverables as a result of taking the course, process of creating deliverables, results of questionnaire, information of attendance, etc. Disclosed

    5.3 School business

      Information Disclosed/Non-disclosed intended uses
      Name, address, e-mail address, phone number, attributes of students Disclosed Student management, payment confirmation of tuition fees, course management, distribution of e-mail magazines, delivery of materials, teaching materials, answer sheets, etc., notification of new information such as seminars and services, response to various inquiries, emergency contact
      Student grades Disclosed Career guidance, pass/fail analysis
      Name, career, address, e-mail address, phone number, attributes of teachers Disclosed Recruitment of instructors, instructor management, course management, salary/compensation management, sending materials/learning materials/answers, responding to various inquiries, emergency contact
      Name, address, e-mail address, phone number, attributes of document requester Disclosed Sending materials, contacting new information such as seminars and services, responding to various inquiries, market analysis
      Name, address, e-mail address, phone number, attributes of event participants (including those who made reservations) Disclosed Management of events and individual consultations, notification of new information such as seminars and services, response to various inquiries, market analysis

    5.4 University Admissions ASP business

      Information Disclosed/Non-disclosed intended uses
      Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, high school attended, pass/fail results, results of Students taking university entrance exams and qualifying exams Non-disclosed To carry out entrusted business
      Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, name of guardian, high school attended of Successful applicant of the university entrance examination Non-disclosed To carry out entrusted business
      Name of person in charge of entrance examination and accounting, phone number, e-mail address, name of the representative of the transfer university, date of birth of the representative of the transfer university of university contact Disclosed Providing various services such as accepting applications for university entrance examinations in Japan

    5.5 Study abroad business

      Information Disclosed/Non-disclosed intended uses
      Kawaijuku Art Institute Admission Information
      Name, address, nationality, age, attributes, e-mail address, telephone number
      Partially disclosed
      Admission management, admission/withdrawal procedures, registration for various seminars, inquiry response , preparation of Certificate of Eligibility (COE), emergency contact
      Short-term Program Participant Information
      Name, address, nationality, age, attributes, e-mail address, telephone number, passport number
      Partially disclosed
      Participant management, arrangement of various activities, preparation of Japanese visa application documents , transportation/accommodation arrangements, preparation of name lists, roll call and other safety checks during program operation, emergency contact

  6. Provision of personal information to a third party
    We will not provide your personal information to a third party except in the following cases:
    1. With the consent of the person involved
    2. When required by law
    3. When it is necessary to protect the life, physical well-being, or property of the person involved and it is difficult to obtain the person's consent
    4. When it is necessary to improve public health or promote the proper development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the person's consent.
    5. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or a person entrusted by such a body to carry out the operations prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the person's consent may interfere with the execution of official duties.
    6. In order to carry out our business smoothly, the handling of personal information may be outsourced whole or in part to the extent necessary for achieving the intended uses.
  7. Outsourcing of personal information handling
    To aid business operations, we outsource some work to provide better services to our customers. As such, we may entrust personal information to subcontractors. In such cases we select subcontractors who are deemed to handle personal information appropriately. Through proper management of personal information and maintenance of confidentiality in contracts and other agreements, we determine matters necessary to preventing the leakage of customers' personal information and ensuring the proper controls are in place.
  8. Requests to disclose personal information or records of provisions to third parties
    You may contact us regarding disclosure of your personal information or records of provisions to third parties and related processes, including notification of intended uses, disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of information, suspension of use or deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties. Send inquiries to our contact center. In such cases, we will confirm the customer's identity and respond within a reasonable period of time. For details on requesting disclosure and related processes, please refer to "Procedures for requesting personal data held by us or records of provisions to third parties" on our corporate website.
  9. About the voluntary provision of personal information
    Whether or not you provide us with personal information is at your discretion. However, if you do not provide us with certain required information, we may not be able to provide our services in an appropriate manner.
  10. About authorized personal information protection organizations
    Authorized personal information protection organizations have been certified by the competent Minister pursuant to Article 37 of the Personal Information Protection Act. The purpose of the organizations is to ensure the proper handling of personal information through measures like the provision of information to target entities and hearing grievances regarding the handling of personal information.
    Name of the authorized personal information protection organization:
    Direct complaints to:
    Personal Information Protection Complaints Office
    Roppongi First Building, 9-9 Roppongi 1-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032
    +81 3-5860-7565
    +81 120-700-779
  11. Regarding measures taken for safe management of personal data held by us
    In order to handle personal data held by us more strictly, we have formulated personal information protection regulations based on a personal information protection policy that complies with JIS Q 15001, and operate a personal information protection management system after understanding the external environment.
    In addition, when actually handling personal data held by us, we take the following security control measures from four perspectives: organizational, human, physical, and technical.
      Organizational Safety Management Measures We take necessary measures related to maintaining an organizational system, operating in accordance with rules for handling personal data, maintaining a means to check the status of personal data handling, maintaining a system to respond to incidents of leakage, etc. , monitoring the status of handling, and reviewing safety management measures.
      Personnel Safety Management Measures We provide regular training to our employees on matters concerning personal data handling. In addition, we have obtained written pledges that includes items related to maintaining the confidentiality of personal data.
      Physical Safety Management Measures We take necessary measures related to managing areas where personal data is handled, preventing theft of equipment and electronic media, etc., preventing leaks when electronic media, etc. , are transported, deleting personal data, and disposing of equipment and electronic media, etc.
      Technical Safety Management Measures We take necessary measures related to information systems, such as access control, identification and authentication of those accessing systems , prevention of unauthorized access from outside, and prevention of leaks associated with the use of information systems.

Contact Center

Complaints and inquiries regarding the protection of personal information are accepted as per below.
Hulic Kojimachi Building
3-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
KEI Advance, Inc. Personal Information Inquiries Section

Procedures for requesting personal data held by us or records of provisions to third parties

Regarding personal data held by us or records of provisions to third parties held by us and requests for notification of intended uses , disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of information, suspension of use or deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc.") from the person involved or his or her representative, we will respond in line with the following procedures by means of our designated application form.

  1. Contact for requesting disclosure, etc.

    Requests for disclosure, etc. should be sent to the address below by postal mail, with the necessary documents and fees enclosed along with our designated application form.

    Hulic Kojimachi Building
    3-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
    KEI Advance, Inc. Personal Information Inquiries Section
  2. Documents to be submitted when requesting disclosure, etc.
    When making a request for disclosure, etc., please fill in all the prescribed items on the request form specified by the Company below and send it by mail. For the invoice form, please download the Word file, print it out and fill it out.In addition, in order to verify your identity, we will ask you for about two items of personal information registered with us that can be used to verify your identity (example: phone number and date of birth).
  3. In the case of a request for disclosure, etc. by a representative
    If the person requesting disclosure, etc. is a representative of the person involved, in addition to the documents in 2.(1) above, please also enclose the following from below: a copy of one item listed for "(1) Documents certifying that you are a representative" (original required in certain cases) and a copy of one item listed for "(2) Documents certifying the representative's identity."
    • Copy of documents certifying that you are a representative (original required in certain cases)
      <When a representative has been delegated by the person involved to request for disclosure, etc.>
      • Power of attorney from the person involved (original)
      <When the representative is a legal representative of a minor>
      • Copy of family register
      • Certificate of residence (a document that lists relations)
      • Other official documents to confirm legal representation
      <When the agent is a legal representative of an adult ward>
      • Certificate of registry regarding guardianship, etc.
      • Other official documents to confirm legal representation
    • Copy of documents certifying yourself as a representative
      • Driver's license
      • Passport
      • Health insurance card
      • Certificate of residence
      • Basic resident registration card

      Note that information regarding your legal residence should only include the prefecture. Please black out more detailed information.

  4. Fee for disclosure, etc. requests and its method of collection
    A one-time fee is required for "Notification of intended uses", "Disclosure" and "Records of provisions to third parties" applications. The fee below includes the cost of our reply. Please enclose a flat-rate postal money order for the following amount when you mail your application.
    Fee amount: 1,000 yen
  5. Method of responding to requests for disclosure, etc.
    • As a general rule, we will disclose personal information by the method specified by the person, but if it is difficult to disclose by the method specified by the person, we will deliver it in writing.Personal information acquired in response to requests for disclosure, etc. will only be handled to the extent necessary for responding to the request.
    • We may not be able to honor requests for disclosure, etc. in the circumstances indicated below. In such cases we will inform you of the situation and tell you the reason. Please note that a fee will also be charged for non-disclosure.
      • When the identity of the person involved or the representative cannot be verified
      • If there are any issues with the required application documents
      • When the request for disclosure, etc. falls outside the parameters of “Personal data held by us *”
      • When there is a risk of harm to the life, physical well-being, property, or other rights and interests of the person involved or a third party
      • When there is a possibility that it will significantly interfere with the proper operation of our business
      • When it is against the law
    • * Personal data held by us
      Personal data held by us is personal data for which we have the authority to respond to all requests from the person involved regarding disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of information, suspension of use, and suspension of provision to third parties. However, in any of the following instances (items a. to d. below), the information will not be considered to fall under the category of personal data held by us.
      • There is a risk that the life, physical well-being or property of the person involved or a third party may be harmed if the existence or non-existence of such personal data is revealed.
      • There is a risk of promoting or inducing illegal or improper activity if the existence or non-existence of such personal data is revealed.
      • There is a risk of jeopardizing national security, impairing trust with other countries or international organizations, or causing disadvantages in negotiations with other countries or international organizations if the existence or non-existence of such personal data is revealed.
      • There is a risk that maintaining civil order and the prevention, suppression, or investigation of crimes and other public safety issues may be hindered if the existence or non-existence of such personal data is revealed.

Shared Use of Personal Information

The Kawaijuku Group may share personal information received from customers within the following scope with the corporations within the Kawaijuku Group (school corporations and stock companies engaged in education-related businesses) with which we have concluded an Agreement on the Handling of Personal Information.

  1. Personal Data Items to be Shared

    Name, address, telephone number, name of school attended, grade, e-mail address, date of birth, name of parent/guardian, entrance exam results

  2. Scope of Parties Receiving Shared Information
    • Kawaijuku Educational Institution
    • Kawaijuku-Gakuen Educational Foundation
    • Gakkyo Inc.
    • Kawai Publishing, Inc.
    • KEI Advanced, Inc.
    • Bunri Learning Inc.
    • Kawaijuku Manavis, Inc.
    • Kawaijuku One Inc.
    • Kyoiku Co., Ltd.
    • E.E.A Co., Ltd.
    • KJ HOLDINGS Inc.
  3. Intended Use of Parties Receiving Shared Information

    To provide various types of information from the Kawaijuku Group, such as information useful for students to select higher education and career paths, as well as for school life.

  4. Manager of Shared Use of Personal Information
    Hulic Kojimachi Building
    3-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
    KEI Advance, Inc. Information Security Manager
  5. Representative

    Toshio Yajima, President

  6. Acquisition Method
    • Website entry
    • Form entry

Personal information on linked sites

In order to provide users with useful information and services, this website contains links to the websites of Kawaijuku Educational Institution, Kawaijuku-Gakuen Educational Foundation, its Group companies, and other companies that are deemed to handle personal information appropriately. We are not responsible for the management of personal information collected from linked websites. Please use at your own discretion.